
Control a Ragdoll Goblin in This Hilarious 3D Platformer

Sign up for the open playtest if you would like to play the game now before the demo is out next month.

Watch Out For Goblins! is a physics-based sandbox 3D platformer where you control a ragdoll goblin who lives in the Gobland and search for golden shining power cogs in an extensive open world. The many delicately designed challenges and mini-games would bring chaotic fun for those looking for a relaxing game.



"WOFG! blends motion capture animations with real time physics. Experience both precise goblin control and chaotic physics platforming.” Some of the power cogs are available using parkour skills, while some are deeply hidden and can only be found with a “keen eye and a clever mind.” Don’t restrain your mind and explore all the ways that you can think of. 

The fun will be doubled in the local co-op mode, where a split screen allows players to spy on their friend’s every move. Cooperation isn't a word that Goblins like; instead, try to snatch the power cogs by all means — throw your friend off the cliff or punch them a few miles away.


The developers, SQYD.studio, have shared some exciting features they achieved last month via the dev logs on Steam, including a “quest line” system for NPC goblins that “lets them change behaviors/dialogue based on things the players do on the map.” Hidden mechanisms can be activated by placing a Power Cog into an Energy Widget. The various collectibles gathered, like mud and bolts, can be used to unlock new gameplay experiences. 



If this hilarious game piques your interest, don’t hesitate to sign up for the open playtest by clicking the “Request Access” button on the game’s Steam page and pass your feedback to help developers improve the game. The developers also plan to release a demo, which is set on the Skrimble Iles, in early October. 

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  • Anonymous user

    Looks like a good time!!


    Anonymous user

    ·22 days ago·

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