
3D Metasites by 80.lv Community: Shadow of the city

Check out a new experience added to the 80 Level's cloud streaming service.

This week, we would like to highlight this thrilling experience by 3D Environment artist, Elliot Agger. Explore a 1980s Noir Detective office, in which our detective takes on a case centered around the CIA, as a widow seeks to unveil a secret involving the agency's experiments that involve killing people.

Shadow of the city

Created by Elliot Agger.

Shadow of the City’ wasn't built on an exact scene during the making process but served as a challenge for the individual to showcase their skills and make the most of the time available within their timeline for obtaining a BA (Hons) Game Art degree. This project was a source of pride, an endeavor where they aimed to create a detailed environment that effectively served its intended purpose.

Initially, the creator struggled to narrow down the plethora of ideas and themes, but eventually settled on the concept of exploring a noir detective’s office. They committed to building everything based on original stories, a decision spurred by their exploration of sources on Twitter and the conscious energy grid, leading to a deep dive into a document covering an experiment and the storyline of a widow and a creepy detective. 

This process laid the foundation for the narrative—a 1980s Noir Detective's office, where the CIA covered up deaths from experiments, particularly focusing on the widow's quest to discover the truth about her husband.

For a more detailed description of the work, please find the link here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/KeRwyx

The modeling process leveraged skills honed over five years of studying 3D design and consistent practice. In 2023, he embraced Maya, focusing on constructing essential blocking elements for the scene and experimenting with Unreal Engine 5 for lighting effects. Given that Unreal Engine 5 was a recent addition not covered in his university studies, he invested significant effort in self-teaching. Progressing further, attention shifted to refining scene details, including walls adorned with Substance Designer wallpaper, later applied in Unreal Engine for specific lighting effects. 

The right lighting was crucial to evoke the intended mysterious and eerie emotions for the audience. After completing the lighting, successfully modeled all necessary props within a six-week timeframe, using Substance Painter for texture application. The final step involved revisiting Unreal Engine, where scans of buildings were incorporated to infuse a sense of city life. Collaboration with a senior environmental artist provided valuable feedback, facilitating adjustments to flaws within the work. In conclusion, this project, undertaken in the last year of his studies, resulted in the attainment of a 2-1 BA (Hons) Game Art degree.

“As viewers engage with my work, I hope they anticipate witnessing a detective solving a case through a narrative woven from scattered assortments of authentic CIA documents. The immersive experience aims to draw the audience into a mysterious noir-inspired world, where the detective navigates through complexities. This project, recognized academically, represents a personal achievement in blending technical skills with creative storytelling. Ultimately, the ambition is for the audience to delve into the intricacies of the scene, immersed in the detective's journey as hidden truths within the meticulously crafted environment are uncovered.”, stated the artist.

These 3D Metasites are just a glimpse of the incredible content available for you. Whether you're an artist looking to showcase your work or an enthusiast seeking unique digital adventures, 80 Level Metasites offers a diverse range of interactive worlds to explore.

Stay tuned for new 3D Metasites and keep sending us incredible experiences. Feel free to reach out with questions: cloud-experiences@80.lv

About 3D Metasites by 80.lv Community

3D Metasites by 80 Level Community brings together artists, creators, and enthusiasts to explore and showcase 3D experiences. From gaming environments to virtual museums, our cloud based technical solutions offer a canvas for creativity and imagination to flourish. Join us in redefining the future of digital experiences.

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